
"No, I..." Lois hesitated. She didn't want Lex's solicitude, his murmured condolences, and especially his touch, but she was suddenly terrified of what might happen if he knew for certain that she was on to him. "I wasn't here."

"Come, my dear," Lex soothed, and moved his hand to close around her upper arm. "Let's get you away from here."

"I can't," she blurted out, planting her feet to prevent being towed along with him. "I can't leave until I know what happened and if everyone is okay."

"It's going to be several hours before we know anything definitive," Lex said smoothly as his hand tightened just a little more on her arm. "Why not wait somewhere less dangerous? My car is just around the corner."

Ewk! Lex has nothing better planned for Lois than imprisonment. Run Lois, Run!! shock

He couldn't seem to fly as fast as usual, so it took him nearly an hour to reach the hotel. When he finally arrived, it was in a late afternoon downpour. The boom and rattle of thunder matched the throb building at the base of his neck. It had been there all day and it was gradually becoming more insistent. Clark's clothes were soaked even before he left the alley he had landed in. He came in through the front door of the hotel so that the clerk could see him.

It's a very good thing he got out of the area when he did. The prolonged exposure slowly drained his strength. Than he gets to 'sunny' Hawaii and its raining! The man cannot catch a break!

Tell her! He should tell her. But he owed it to her to tell her in person. Clark laid back and stared up at the ceiling. There was a water spot in the far corner by the window, shaped like a miniature Africa. He took a few deep breaths, consciously matching his breathing to Lois', and felt the nausea begin to fade.

Yeah, that would probably be a really good idea! But in your current state, now is not the best time to contemplate the battle royal that would take place afterwards. dizzy

Please don't take too long with the next posting. This is an excellent story!


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.