wave --putting on the black clothing, getting ready to be 'sneaky'. For Part 8? Yeah, totally would do it thumbsup.

This chapter definitely was worth the wait. Loved it for the creepy Lex moments (in a 'he's so evil, it's SO great' sorta way wink ), for the suspenseful details that have crumbled the Planet (Lois, knowing Lois, had to show up and be around...I could really see Jimmy, Jack, and her watching/trying to investigate there all day amongst the craziness), and (probably, pretty obviously) for those moments of perfection you create between Lois and Clark. It was a great combination of sinister 'bad guy', B-plot, and WAFFiness galore clap.

How in the world had Lex found her so quickly amidst all this chaos? Had he been watching for her?

Part of the plan....#1--blow up the Planet #2.--get into 'place' outside to wait for Lois to arrive #3.--bump into her 'spontaniously and act concerned'. Check, Check, and Somewhat Check (due to his hard to hide creepy undertones devil ).

Owen, Lex's hulk of a bodyguard was her first guess until gentle fingertips brushed past the small of her back. Her eyes widened and her breath caught in her throat. For the barest scrap of a second, she thought Clark had returned to Metropolis.

Second what Susan was saying. This part was yummy. Yearning for the other (Lois) / Acting without thinking to show your heart (Clark). Lovely detail, Sue notworthy.

How many people had been hurt? Was Jimmy one of them? What about Jack? And Edward? Denise or Danielle or Darlene or whatever the hell her name was at the foreign desk?

The-Last-Line!!! notworthy hail hyper clap. How you circle back to one of Lois' rival 'options' from previously in the story (and how it's the one that she doesn't know the name) was so completely enjoyable it me. I was rotflol.

He loved the Planet with the same intensity that she did; it was one of his best qualities.

This sentence was really great, too. It's so true of a statement, but also, it's so fun of a thing for Lois to think. It's very 'Lois'--that his love for the Planet is an attribute. To her, it is. She would be the person to admire this about him.

Clark stripped to his underwear and then flopped, face down, onto the bed.

grin --nothing more needed.

He was too far away; he should never have left Metropolis tonight. What if Luthor thought to look for Lois at his apartment? What if Lois went back to the Planet to look for the kryptonite and some of Luthor's goons found her?

Scary stuff here! Eeeeeee. eek frown . To be light on powers and stuck in Hawaii is NOT a good thing. Clark, book a ticket, get on a plane, and get back to Metropolis ASAP.

He took a few deep breaths, consciously matching his breathing to Lois', and felt the nausea begin to fade.

That he draws strength from her, in so many ways. Lovely grin.

"Maybe you should tell her."

He almost laughed as he shook his head against the pillow. "That would just complicate everything even more."

I really adore when a random statement sparks that need to laugh from the other person (in a conversation). It's such a great response--being caught off guard like that--and it works really well here in this part of their conversation.

The back and forth during their phone call...The Person trying to guess who The Recipient of Clark's love is--it is completely fun/playful/exciting/flirty to read. LOVE every second of it!

"I wouldn't make him go through with it. I'd just like to know that I'm worth it. And you didn't answer my question -- would you rob a bank for her?"

"I never realized until just now that you're probably insane."

She giggled and the sound tingled across his skin. "I'm certifiable. Would you do it?"

The ideal exchange. This is awesome, Sue thumbsup.

Clark shook his head and looked up at Africa again. Was that water spot getting larger? The Cape of Good Hope seemed to be expanding. "I don't know. Maybe."

And 'Africa' gets my vote for Favorite Supporting Character in this chapter. That detail had me shaking my head, wondering how you came up with the idea to use it, carry it through their conversation. It was amazing! So effective. Totally loved it.

He'd give anything for it to be tomorrow night now, to be legitimately home, to be near her.

And I'd give anything to be reading that scene! Can't wait for them to finally see each other face to face love (but worried some of Clark's fears about Lex finding Lois/etc might be happening sooner than later instead).

Laura (who is feeling mighty desperate to read the next Part....i.e.--which bank needs some 'assistance' ? evil laugh notworthy ).

Last edited by LMA; 10/19/15 08:06 AM.

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~