I have a hardback copy of the novel with a picture of Dean and Teri on it (publicity photo from third season?) --the spine and back cover are black (can't think of the title). I've had it for probably 15 years. I still have not forced myself to finish it. I was not impressed....

I also have 3 paperbacks books--one is (I believe) purple, one blue, one teal? Don't remember the titles of these either. They also all have Dean and Teri on the cover (photo shoot pics). I've had these probably for 12 years. I've never read any of these books--but have enjoyed the multiple black and white pics on glossy paper in the center of each book (random publicity photo shoot pics from the show, etc). These always seemed like young adult fiction books.

Overall, from what I've heard, and from the small bit of reading I did in the first book when I got it, my opinion is that the Archive/here is by far the best collection of L&C fanfiction. The books are kinda a cool 'keepsake' from the show, but more just to have (and not read wink ). That's why I have them, anyway...


Last edited by LMA; 10/20/15 07:28 PM.

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~