Ooh, comments smile

Originally Posted by Deadly Chakram
Clark turning up blind...yeah, that's a problem. Maybe she would assume that a weekend spent with Mayson made him put his own eyes out?
I laughed way harder than I should at that! And yeah, the thought of losing my sight terrifies me too- my eyesight is already not great (quite nearsighted) and going blind, to me anyway, is the stuff of nightmares.

Virginia- yeah, I agree, he doesn't really cope well with it- he needs to ask for help when he needs it. But then he's never really been great at asking for help. It's a good thing he gets his sight back quickly or I think he would've done a lot more damage!

Christina- the telepathy thing is an interesting idea. I never even considered that when I wrote this. That could make a really intriguing story.

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