Wow, such an overwhelming response! At the risk of sounding just a bit too mushy, I just want to say that it's a joy to have so many people still reading, long after I thought I'd have scared everybody away! You have all made a stressful year have so many good points, reading your feedback and getting to see the story afresh through your eyes! Thanks so much for your encouragement, for being willing to go on this what-if journey with me, and for your patience when I miss my posting dates! You're all the best! notworthy

Such great praise, Supesfan! It's been a painful, LONG journey, but I'm glad it's been worthwhile!

Thanks, cuidadora! This chapter was one of my absolute favorites, especially the conversation between Clark and his parents. They do understand him and know that he needs to choose this himself.

Didn't quite make 'early,' KathareneKent. blush I'm delighted to see so many questions, though; I'm always afraid of tying things up too early and having no one interested in the last chapters.

Thanks, Lynn! I hope the move goes smoothly too -- we just have to wait for our house here to sell! Clark's thoughts at the end of this chapter came unexpectedly, but once he thought them, I found them perfect. smile (I do love when the characters do all the work of thinking through things themselves.)

James. Ahh, what to say about James that I haven't already? I just really love him; he's been maybe my favorite thing about this story. He is so honest, isn't he, LMA? Your last paragraph about the inspiration in someone knowing what's right and going for it...absolutely beautiful. You said in one sentence what I've had to take an entire story to try to say! smile

Ooh, nice, scifiJoan -- always a compliment when I hear that my writing gave chills to someone! Hope the next chapter doesn't disappoint!

No problem, DC; any feedback is good! smile Yes, the 'who do you want to be' question probably is one of the most important for any Superman/Clark! I think I've addressed it in pretty much every single one of my L&C stories, so I know it's important to me! smile Moving is stressful, so I'm glad I haven't had to move nearly as much as you!!

You're right, Virginia - Clark and his family and friends will probably never be entirely safe again. Nothing will be able to go back to exactly as it was. Bad things happened, and there are consequences, one of the reasons Clark wasn't sure he wanted to risk it, but in the end, I think CLARK KENT is worth it. A few more twists to come, but hopefully only good ones.

What a delight to read your feedback, Terry Leatherwood! This was such a scary story to sit down and write, and terrifying to post, but your feedback has made it all worth it! I'm so glad the suspense works even with this very experimental writing style! Love how you phrased that about Lois getting her guilt out of her head so Clark could help her lay it aside, how they are each helping the other do what they themselves were helped to do (wow, that was a confusing sentence; you said it so much better! smile ). I'm sorry to reach the end, too, mainly because I want to make sure I do justice to everything here, but like you, I want to see them happy. We'll see how much can go back to the way we know and want things to be! wink Thank you so much for your support and your belief -- we'll see about the Kerth! blush

You know better than anyone, groobie, that I really thought this story would show how harsh and merciless the world can be to uncovered secrets, even incidentally, but it has turned out to have undertones of how the world will also try to help some secrets stay covered -- and that was more of a surprise to me than any of you! So true about his choices!

Well, Annalina, at one point groobie wanted to write a spin-off story about Cat and her reaction to Superman's secret being revealed, that would have had a lot more to do with the people's reaction to this news -- you'll have to ask her to see if she'll write it. laugh Unfortunately, I could only tackle a story of this magnitude if I kept it strictly compressed to this small group of people at the center of it all. Anything more would have been too overwhelming! And I'm glad this chapter turned out so well -- it was my favorite to write!

Thank you, everyone!!!