Wow. What a powerful start of a story, and it raises so many questions: Do his captors know who he is? Is Superman even a publicly known figure in your story's universe? What are the captors' intents toward him? Are they really holding him prisoner, or are they holding him for his own protection? (The jokes at his expense make me think the former, but the jokes might be part of the hard shell people in difficult serving roles sometimes develop for self preservation.) If they are not holding him prisoner per se, but think he is a delusional human, why have they not returned him to the U.S.? If, however, they realize that he is Superman, surely they would realize what a dangerous game they are playing -- that sooner or later his strength and memory might return, and they would not be able to contain him then?

Could the shots they are giving him contain very low doses of kryptonite? They don't appear to have enough in them to cause Clark pain. (I think it a reasonable assumption that the narrator is Clark, but there is always the possibility that you'll pull a "gotcha" in the next part.)

If his captors wish him ill, why are they giving him things to occupy his days?

My guesses on all of my questions: It is Clark, and his captors know that they are keeping Superman prisoner.

In any event, you know a story has captured a reader's attention when it raises so many questions in the reader's mind. Well done.

Looking forward to part two.
