Thank you, everyone! I just got back a couple days ago, and am trying to get back into the swing of things, but flying takes it out of me. smile

Glad you enjoyed this snapshot into life as 'it should be,' so to speak, scifiJoan! I don't deliberately try to be a tease; it just comes naturally, I guess. laugh

Well, happy tears and sad tears are both good, Lynn -- it means the story is making you feel, anyway. smile I'm so glad you're enjoying. I had a great time on vacation, but I am glad I didn't have to delay the next chapter for you all. As it is, this one is late, but by just a day, so I'm still counting it as something of a win!

Thanks, groobie! I tried to keep the balance between the romance we all want and can see is still potentially there, and the mountain of issues between them. They are moving forward, but things never come easily to Lois and Clark.

I was relieved to get the internet connection, DC; I never mind getting feedback, even on vacation. wink So true what you said about even canon Clark having moments where it's hard to reach past what he thinks Superman -- or just his powers -- make him. Even as changed as this world is, there are still very important similarities that are true in every situation for these characters. And yes, I did stop there, because...well, just because. It was the perfect place to stop. smile

Thanks so much for all the feedback you've left me in the last while, LMA! I really do plan on replying to them all, but the best I can strive for now is to be fashionably late. smile I'm so glad you enjoyed this chapter -- and especially glad that the emotion is coming through. In a story like this where the emotions are so raw and overpowering, it can be hard not to just overwhelm readers with it to the point that it doesn't affect them anymore, so your comment was hugely encouraging. This was a very important chapter, and I think you're right -- Lois isn't exactly reading the situation right. They did reconnect here, and it is hopeful, but still so much left to rediscover.

Thank you, everyone, for your continued support!