I decided, as a fallback option, to add the following lines from the script to a presentation:

LOIS: This must be it. But we need a password to get into it
CLARK: Try Kane. K-A-N-E. Linda says he's got a Citizen Kane fixation.
LOIS: No kidding. (Types at keyboard) Nope. Let's see . How about...
LOIS and CLARK simultaneously: Rosebud?
LOIS: (Lois types some more.) Great minds think alike. We're in.

But I would really prefer to show a clip of these lines. (They're a lot more interesting when they are professionally acted than when I read them aloud.) If anyone has the setup necessary to make a videoclip with these lines, I would be very grateful. And who knows? We might be able to swell the FoLC ranks with the clip.
