So sad to see this story wrapping up, but oh-so-excited to read the last part. You sure know where to cut a chapter off, making us ache for more help (Me!).

I'm sure Joe and Perry have been communicating. I can't imagine Perry wouldn't have given Joe at least a little of the backstory between Lois and Clark (even though Joe probably would have been able to catch on pretty much immediately, considering how easy it is to see the feelings written on both Lois and Clark's faces when they are together wink ).

The Airport Goodbye--wow. Achingly Waffy, so heartfelt notworthy. But could'uv maybe told Lois a little abut you conversation with Joe--made her not have to go to the level of emotion she was at?

I'm sure Perry will be on thrilled to get his front page reporting team back dance.

Now, just to see how that officially happens grovel.

Can't wait!

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~