I love this parrellel you found, between Molly and Lois' relationship, and what Clark and Lois went through at the end of the first season. Never (ever wink ) would have come to this thought process, and I really applaud you for this piece because of it smile.

OB is one of those episodes I really haven't seen too many times. I tend to sorta forget about it. But you bring up some interesting points--and seeing Lois deal with an old friendship really is intriguing to apply with Clark at this point in the second season.

Really well done!
Laura (who can totally relate to RL craziness this last week--no kid sickness, but lots and lots going on jump...)

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~