I completely get Lois going stir-crazy, alone in that apartment, hoping, waiting for a glimpse of light under Clark's door. She's a doer not a waiter (i.e. someone who waits).

I can see people finding Clark through his out-of-state subscription. Sneaky. How frustrating it must have been from James, who left the DP willingly behind, to kept being found because Clark couldn't let go of the paper, the woman, that outed him.

I'm glad that Clark sees how much Lois's article broke her as it did him (not as much, but still some). Actually, I don't think it was the article, per se, but more Lois's betrayal of Clark and his friendship was what broke her and stole away her muse.

I was worried when Lois went to the elevator that she might go down and be seen. Thankfully, she went up instead. Now, it is Lois who is tending the Kent farm, making sure that it grows and doesn't die. I like that Clark doesn't miss this aspect of her caring. If nothing else, this shows him where her heart truly lies.

He does not look at her, but Lois cannot look at anything but him. Clark Kent. Glasses, flannel shirt, jeans, tousled hair, and wide-eyed, awed expression. It feels like a vicious kick to her stomach. It feels like a hand has just astonishingly let go of its fatal grasp on her throat and let her take a huge, life-giving gasp of air. It feels like a dagger in her heart and an infusion to her soul. It is a reminder of all she’s done wrong and a sense of homecoming so overwhelming she feels lightheaded, dizzy, his image wavering between the sparks in her vision.
Yep. Clark Kent has that affect on all of us, not just you, Lois. wink

But surely this isn't the first time she's seen Clark Kent as Clark Kent since arriving at the apartment, is it? I know he wasn't wearing his glasses the first time she saw him, and most often she sees Superman, rather than Clark, but is this the first time she sees him as she used to? Maybe not as she's used to but as the ghost of Clark Kent he used to be. The last time she saw Clark as Clark (before the article) was in Smallville, which is really the only place she saw him in flannel and jeans in their short partnership.

Aha! I get it now! Clark isn't a ghost in this rooftop scene. Lois sees that he's not dead, after all, but still alive -- that she hasn't killed him after all these months thinking that he was dead -- and that has to be shocker!

It’s late enough, and she’s tired enough, that after eating a few bites of toast,
She really needs to eat more than toast. Clark needs to see that she's starving (please, she can't cook, for heaven's sake!) and take her out of the apartment for some food. Even if it means bringing her to an out-of-the-way spot for a picnic.

Because she forgot to pass along James’s message.
Did James do that on purpose? The little cupid!

Lex being investigated and put away (he was put away, wasn't he? That part wasn't clear.) was a definite surprise. I expected him to be your usual boogie-man. Although, technically, the bad-guy in this story is Lois. At least, unlike Luthor, she's sorry and wants to make amends.

“I’m sorry,” Clark says again, but this time, he’s teasing her. “I’ll try to be more vindictive from now on.”

“Do that,” Lois agrees. She’s smiling (her lashes are still wet, but no longer heavy), and that almost makes her want to cry even harder (at how he can turn something so hurtful and damaging into a reason to smile). “I’d appreciate it.”

“Then I’ll work on it.”

Her lips twitch again, and she relaxes back into the couch, suddenly aware of how tired and sore she is from her unaccustomed physical labor. She doesn’t want to look at him (in case he looks into her eyes and remembers, or learns, how to be vindictive after all), so she keeps her eyes shut. “Liar,” she whispers, and is glad she did when the sound of his chuckle resonates through the room.
Love this!

He’s inexplicable. He’s incomprehensible. He’s unknowable. Soot-stained, salt-marked, blood-touched, but still smelling of sky and wind and rain, as if he is composed of the elements themselves. Wounded and worried and weary, but still emanating only strength and compassion and gentleness. Man of steel, but when her fingertips wrap around the curve of his neck (when she nuzzles her nose closer into him), he shivers, a sound soft and delicate and unbelievably invigorating.
Beautiful description. Very fitting for Clark. Usually, when Clark carries Lois memories of Superman carrying Lois are alluded to, but here it's as if Lois has forgotten (almost) that CK=SM.

She cannot understand him, but she doesn’t need to understand him to love him.

(And a deep foreboding hums through her like distant cannon fire, like heavy drums, at the confession, the admission, the realization that this, after all, is why she came all this way to find him.)
Oh, dear. She's figured it out.

For a second there Clark considered kissing her and then did so! thud Okay, maybe not in the way his heart wanted to, but it was so much more than a brush of hands.

I, too, enjoyed the banter. Bring it on! Maybe after this, you should try your hand at a romantic-comedy. evil Ooooh. I bet it'd be good.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.