What-A-Cliffhanger! jawdrop clap

To be Lauren right about now. What she must be thinking! help shock dizzy --but also, deep down love.

I am SO curious where you will take us in the last section. Lauren has got to be thinking something very strange is going on with 'Clark'--ie now Kent. Can she get past that he lied to her? Can she get past the fact that THIS was Aunt Lois' great love? Like Virginia stated, there is a lot of discussion about Lois and Clark Kent--how much Lois cared for him, wanted to be with him. Can she separate that information and love, and create a new loving relationship for herself?

And...can Clark?

Must Read More! grovel. GREAT job!

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~