Someone just pointed me at Strong Female Protaconist, which is fun but has some bad language and may not be to everyone's taste. Basically, the heroine is / was one of the most powerful superheroes of her world and more or less indestructible, but became disillusioned with life on a superhero team and battles that killed innocent bystanders, and is trying to build a more normal life. The trouble is that being a superhero is actually some sort of mutation that may eventually kill her, everyone knows who she is, supervillains keep trying to kill her, and there appears to be some sort of conspiracy going on but I haven't got far enough into it yet. It starts off black and white but later strips are in colour (but not all of them), art is variable from average to good. The wikipedia article about the strip is a good overview

Marcus L. Rowland
Forgotten Futures, The Scientific Romance Role Playing Game