Awkward, but thankfully accomplished eek.

I have to agree with Clark--it, overall, went better than I would have thought it might. You did a great job of writing Sam and Ellen. Their reactions were spot on. Ellen was perfect. So smart of Lois to do it all at meal, one explanation. Pull the band aid off quick wink.

I really loved how Lois stood up for Clark, rallied for Clark. Wonderful to see. But also, I loved how she was so adament in her choice--they are happy about the pregnancy, this is what they want to do. Lois has come a long way clap.

Clark looking at engagement rings was lots of lovely WAFF. Any time talk of marriage comes up, I find myself really excited for them, also. I hope that the right time is fairly soon, cause Clark is just dying to pop the question hyper.


As he stepped through the terrace door into his bedroom, he could see Lois fast asleep in his bed, the book he'd given her open and laying across the bump of her belly. He smiled, feeling Lois' warmth and love envelope him even though she was not actually awake to talk to him and put his mind at ease. He spent several long minutes just watching her sleep, transfixed by her beauty and the knowledge that, somehow, incredibly, she loved him. Not Superman and all he could do, but Clark, the man with simple farmland roots. He shook his head in the dark, wondering, again, how he'd gotten so lucky.

Then, aware of how the smell of the fire still clung to him like a morbid second skin, he quietly extracted some clothing from his drawers and headed off to shower. Inside, he turned the water on as hot as it would go, then proceeded to scrub his body down with a moisturizing soap that he'd picked out for the slight coconut scent it had. Once he was sure that the smell was gone from both his skin and his hair, he dried and dressed. He slipped into the bed beside Lois, flipped onto his side so he could watch the even way her chest rose and fell with breath, then, feeling more content than he had in what felt like ages, he dropped off to sleep.

Beautiful notworthy. I was really hoping Lois would stay--especially when that fire got as bad as it did. I love how in each chapter they really are becoming closer and closer, more in love. It's heart-warming. That despite what they've had to endure these last weeks and months, it all has brought them even closer.

Wonderful chapter, DC smile

Last edited by LMA; 06/14/15 12:58 AM.

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~