Definitely! Keep going clap. I've really enjoyed seeing where you go with each episode, seeing aspects in different ways than I've previously thought.

Great job with this episode. It's another one of my favorites (mid-first season is just amazing, IMO). I've always loved Witness b/c Lois really, finally, acknowledges that she needs Clark. She lets her vulneralbility show. And Clark completely steps up to bat.

What is it about Lois Lane? Never have I had to save one person so many times- let alone so many times in just a few months. She's a magnet for trouble.

Most of the time she doesn't let it faze her. Strange man dressed in Spandex eats a bomb in front of her? No problem. Rogue government agent throws her out of a plane? Great, here's her next front page story.

Really loved this part and how it's written notworthy.

Another wonderful job,

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~