Originally Posted by LMA
Completely beautiful, DC. Wow clap notworthy grin.

I really love the emotion that you can so easily access from these characters. Everything--every thought--was so much 'Lois'. I just loved it.

And, more importantly, he was a complete and utter stranger. A stranger who somehow felt familiar to me, though Superman had never before been seen by the world.

This bit grabbed me while reading. I've always been amused by how HARD Lois falls for Superman initially. She is literally swept off her feet wink. But after reading these sentences, it got me thinking about the 'familiarity' she felt with Superman. I wonder how much of that had to do with Clark? Herself subcontiously knowing Clark. We know Clark falls head over heals for Lois from the get-go, but...I dunno...I've always kind of thought that there was a lot 'more' to what Lois felt (than she ever would admit) to Clark initially, also. I think she knew something was there in the Pilot--the chemistry in the Chinese take out scene, when he asks her out at work and she initally says yes. And there certainly was attraction--The Apollo Towel Scene smile.

From reading your story just now, it's really got me wondering...because it certainly is easier to 'project' that feeling onto an unrealistic Hero, rather than the reality of a really cute co-worker. But your subcontious does (and knows) some really interesting things...

Awesome job--So great!

Thanks so much! blush

I do think it's pretty noteworthy that Lois so easily accepts Superman - there's never any hesitation. It would be interesting if her subconscious was telling her that it was okay because she actually did know him.

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon