Originally Posted by AntiKryptonite
Oh my goodness, this is explosively good! I wasn't sure what the story was even about and then, within just two paragraphs, I was hooked. I love how Lois sees Clark, and how she sees so many different sides and facets to him, but all of them speak to her -- in different ways for sure, but each of them pulls a reaction from her and makes her think. She always knows, no matter what stage of their relationship they're at, that he is like no other.

Some of these were gut-wrenching and some were funny (I really laughed at the second one, where Clark sent her to the Sewage Plant), some were romantic, and some were thoughtful, but they were all so very insightful. It was beautifully written, and I wish I could quote to you all my favorite passages, but it would literally be almost the entire story.

Really gorgeous, DC! Thanks so much for sharing it -- I'm off to read Clark's POV!

Wow! Thank you for the high praise! I'm blushing here. blush

The title popped into my head one day when I was feeding the girls and I knew I had to write it. At first, it was just going to be once they were together/married, but then I got the idea to make it an "evolution" piece and take moments from canon and explore the relationship at that moment.

I love that you laughed at the Sewage Plant one. I enjoyed writing annoyed but grudgingly respectful Lois.

So glad you enjoyed it. Again, thanks for the wonderful feedback!

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon