Uh-oh! peep

I wondered if there was a bit of foreshadowing, when Clark worried about Lois waking up to go to the bathroom, only to find him on a rescue. Yep. It happened. Eeeee. sad.


BUT--like you both were stating, I am so glad that Lois made her decision regarding the baby beforehand. Huge. Very big--very important. Nothing regarding 'Superman' touched Lois' thought process and her final decision. And I love that Clark's support, his love for her, helped her decide in the end what she wanted to do.

I can't see things getting ironed out for awhile. There's so much to talk about, so much to adjust to. Let alone 'Superman', and oh so much of what that all entails--Clark has got to come clean with what he has learned from Dr. Klein. The full reality of the situation is a lot to take in.

And all this is coming at Lois the same night that she told Clark that she wants to keep the baby--the same night they decided upon their future together. Wow dizzy.

Putting on the seat belt and getting ready to swerve for some mighty big pot holes mad / mecry / shock / notworthy.

Happy Mother's Day to both of you smile.

Last edited by LMA; 05/10/15 03:14 AM.

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~