Ha, yes. I totally agree, Deadly Chakram, that the implication is that Utopia is so helpless to deal with the situation because they don't know how to deal with someone who isn't all sweetness and light.

That doesn't alter the reality (ooh, can we use the word "reality" with this kind of speculation?) that "peacekeeping" demands both outer and inner strength, or it collapses. Which... gets us back to Wells and his "Time Machine," I suppose.

I admit that I much doubt that the writers planned for such a profound statement on the subject of peace and vigilance - they were probably more invested in giving Tempus an excuse to wreak gleeful havoc - but it worked out pretty well. laugh

And now I'm reminded of a really good and long fic from a few years back - by chaste, maybe? - that explores this in detail, including the problem of leaving the general public in blissful ignorance with only a few vigilant people acting as safeguards. Ah, fandom, you do such good work. smile

Lois: You know the deal.
Clark: Superman gets the guys in capes, Lois and Clark get the guys in suits.

-- Action Comics 827