What a pleasure to read, DC clap...

I really enjoyed this chapter. I felt the moments around the kitchen table in Smallville were very authentic to the relationship we saw between Clark and his parents on the show. The dialog between the three of them very real. The love and closeness they share very evident. Having Clark's parents know what's going on is comforting--oddly, even as a reader wink. I would have loved for Lois to have some time face to face with them here, but...I dunno, it seems like Clark really did need to tell them solo. Potential future conversation? huh

I, too, am glad that Clark is looking more into his biology. And very curious as to what he finds out. I mean, the news is big any way you look at it. If he can father a child, than the baby really might be Clark's--which is great. But then you have Lois potentially unknowingy pregnant with a Super baby. All of a sudden, the Secret, has a lot more ramifications regarding pregnancy. If Clark can't father a child, then Clark knows solo that there is no chance that the baby is his--which is terrible for him to have to know alone (and then to have to tell Lois). Plus for the future...Clark can't have kids biologically. And this pregnancy is a chance that they potentially wouldn't have in the future.

Eeee. Yeah. Lots going on. Information to find out. Decisions to make. Secrets to be told. And--hopefully--a proposal/marriage to look forward to? grovel smile

Great job! Excited for more hyper

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~