Originally Posted by LMA
Never has being late to give FDK felt better...cause it's technically Friday already here, I am dying to read the next part, and thankfully it's only a couple short days off thumbsup.

Wow DC, really great part! Awesome all around, in every way. And yep, my predictions based on the title were correct, also wink. When Lois mentioned being pretty "tired" (while waiting for the pizza to arrive with Clark), I took that as a sign the realization of everything was coming fairly soon.

And now a lot to figure out. Possiblities that the child could be Lex's. Possiblilities that the child could be Clark's. Clark caught with his secret still a secret--with a lot of mental anguish as to when to out himself. Being in love and trying to navigate it all. Very excited to read more grovel.

The "I love you" scene was amazingly WAFFy, btw. Loved it, read it (and swooned grin ) multiple times...

Thank goodness it is almost the weekend smile!

Hi, Laura! wave

Feedback is always welcome, no matter when it comes in, believe me! My muse is always hungry for comments.

Glad you enjoyed the part. I figured at least a few people would correctly foresee the pregnancy. I'm glad you picked up on at least one of the subtle hints at Lois' condition - another being her hunger (matching Clark slice for slice on the pizza).

The "I love you" scene was fun to write. It's such a scary new place for them to be in, even though (or perhaps especially because) they've already explored the physical aspects of their relationship.

Lots of things for them to figure of - Clark's secret, what to do about the baby, how this will impact their relationship.

New part coming soon...very soon. Late tonight, if I get the chance.

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon