What I found interesting in that blurry video was that Lex Luthor isn't shown. I wouldn't be surprised if he's orchestrating the whole plot against Superman. I'm not familiar with the voice which was doing the voice-over, so that could have been him. It didn't sound like Ben Afflack. I'm not sure I like that Batman has a metal cowl either. That looked weird. Since the subtitle of the film is Dawn of Justice (or something to that effect), I'm thinking that Batman and Superman will be allies by the end. True, it looks very dark; almost too dark to see anything clearly. I'm hoping when it's officially released, we can actually see more than shadows.

Originally Posted by Lynn S. M.
Because of personal commitments, I rarely get to see more than at most two movies in a year in a cinema.
This year's movie budget is already allocated to Jurassic Park 4 and Star Wars, so I'm glad BvS isn't coming out until next year. I'm hoping now that my mom is moving to town, we'll be able to have a regular monthly date night (my hubby and I) instead of once-a-year (if that). Sigh. I remember back in the days before children when we (or, at least, I) went to the movies at least once a week. And that was in LA where movie prices are TWICE what they are here. (i.e. 10 years ago prices were twice what the current prices are here. I'd hate to see what they are now.)

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.