Lynn posted:
I've decided to try a web-site to access the IRC. (The program I've been using was updated and seems even more opaque than before.) Has anyone here used mibbit? If so, how did it work for you?

I've only been on IRC a handful of times--and the last time was probably over a year ago blush --but each time I accessed through mibbit. Overall, I'd say that it worked pretty well...but I don't have anything to 'comare' it to, so my advise is pretty shady (at best grin ).

But yes, I was able to access the chat area through mibbit--and each time had a wonderful evening, overall without too many issues. I was on our iPad, running through Safari, by the way, if that information has any baring. Good luck--hope it works well for you smile.

Unfortunately, I have a wedding shower to go to on the 18th, and with that, family in I probably won't be around for the ceramony. I'll definitely be thinking of you all though--and excited to learn the results hyper.


"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~