Lo-is. Come on, tell the guy! Tell him the truth! huh Please?!?

Poor Clark. If he wasn't confused before, he definitely is now. There's no way that he could think that 'Him' could possibly be...HIM wink. Clark is falling more and more for Lois, all the while thinking she is more--and even more--unattainable. Ouch, that has got to hurt dizzy.

But...I guess in Lois' defense, she wasn't the one to bring 'Him' up at lunch. Clark was--because he's so bothered by...um, I guess it would be 'Him'self grin. Sorry, couldn't resist.

I really enjoyed finding out Lois' three things--#1. Kissing Clark. #2. Flying with Clark. And #3. Clark's arms around her. After waiting 8 years, can't (at all) blame a girl for dreaming about her future husband--especially now that she is getting to know him in person. Very Waffy smile.

Can-Not-Wait-Till-The-Next-Part grovel grovel grovel

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~