Originally Posted by LMA
Awwww! What a beautifully WAFFy part, DC. I read it, and immediately afterwards had to read it again grin . So sweet, so romantic. And also, so very true to character. I'm really enjoying all of your moments as you bring Lois and Clark closer in this story.

The dialog was really wonderful, too--you had such a great blend of friendship, comfort, teasing, and feelings escilating.

The perfect chapter to start the weekend with smile.

Excited to see how they spend their day tomorrow.

Happy Easter to you, too! Awesome job clap
Laura smile

blush Thanks, Laura! Wow, that's some high praise. I really did like writing the date, and I guess that spilled over into the final product. I think L&C are so perfect together precisely because of the blend that you mentioned.

Hope you don't mind a (small) jump in time - we don't see date #2 because we still have a lot of ground to cover with this story.

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon