Fall in love (for Fake!) with Clark Kent
Okay, so yeah, I'm catching up here. I just read the first part, and am laughing already about where this could go. As I usually am not a huge fan of stories with Lucy, you accomplished the impossible: finally made her a character I could like!

Moving on...

A surprise Christmas party? I’ve never heard of that before
She's a Lane. Since when do they ever do the expected?

But blame it on CA, sure smile

Superman! He’s… there
Love this!

Clark didn’t wink.

Well… at least she didn’t think he did.
Go Lucy! Keep her guessing.

Simply beautiful part about them revealing their feelings on film. I have one picture like that, and I will treasure forever.

“You treat Superman the exact same way,”
Score another one for Lucy. I am starting to really like this girl.

I am so loving this story, Nicole. Can't wait for the next part.


Swoosh --->