She took a long, breath, and cocked her head sideways, imagining a big, giant cheesecake floating somewhere just in front of her face. She licked her lips invitingly. “I am going to make him mine. He’s just so hot. He has the best body. Those muscles. That chest! Oh! He’s so tall and lean. And that butt!”


Lucy looked up at Lois and pretended to be embarrassed at having said so much. She smiled her sweetest, shyest smile and bit her bottom lip. “Sorry. I’ll be quiet.”

“How can you say those things? Clark’s a person, you know. And if you really looked at him or really talked to him, you’d see he’s a good person. The best person. Someone who should be pursued because of that. Not just because he looks good! He’s the best there is and you’re treating him like nothing more than a sex symbol!”


Lucy crossed her arms and put on her most offended face. One she’d perfected back in high school when Lois was on her case about *everything*. “You’re such a hypocrite.”

“Am I?” Lois said, clearly thinking she was not one at all. Little did she know how much thought Lucy had put into all of this. Into this carefully orchestrated conversation.

“You treat Superman the exact same way,” Lucy finally said.

Lois’s face fell and she looked away.

And check mate.

Lois clearly had nothing to say to that. Well, at first anyway. Lucy knew only too well that Lois was never speechless for very long.
Way to back Lois into a corner! I love it!

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched they must be felt with the heart

Helen Keller