Thanks for the 'welcome back', everyone! See, this is one of the reasons I like this fandom... everyone is so nice smile

Originally Posted by bakasi
When Lois asked Clark to get Superman for her, I immediately thought of this other scene right at the end of season one. I wondered how Clark was going to react. Poor guy, he must have been afraid that his real persona would once again be turned down in favor of the superhero.

This made me laugh so hard, bakasi. Right up until the final version, the paragraph you're talking about read
"Clark asked the question with some trepidation. Lois didn't send for him often, and he never knew what he'd find when she did. He hoped that this wasn't to be a renewal of Lois's more romantic feelings for his Super persona, not when he'd finally managed to ask her out as Clark."
So I guess great minds think alike there. I omitted the second line in the final version because I just couldn't get it to flow right.

I probably should have explained that this story is intended to pick up right at the end of 'The Phoenix', but if it's not immediately obvious from the beginning of the story, I think I should rewrite some of the opening scene. (I knew I should've had this beta read).

Oh, and I really like the suggestion of House of the Phoenix as a title! Thanks smile


"It means never having to play it cool about how much you like something. It's basically a license to proudly emote on a somewhat childish level rather than behave like a supposed adult. Being a geek is extremely liberating."- Simon Pegg