I've just listened to the first 5 parts of the show. (From the podcast "Adventures of Superman Podcast".) There were some things that I noticed (or perhaps misheard, as I listened to it while baking bread this morning). Firstly, the "rivets" and the fact that Krypton was still a very male oriented society. Secondly, by the time Kal-El reached Earth, he was a fully grown man. Is that right? He stops a car accident, saving a father and son (whose name just happens to be "Jimmy". Is this Jimmy Olsen?) Thirdly, it is these simple country folks who tell Superman to go to Metropolis and work for a newspaper and even give him the name "Clark Kent". This is a much different back story from what was shown in Action Comics #1 and from every other retelling I've ever heard. This Superman ISN'T a disguise. Clark Kent is. This IS a major change of his back story, huge, even. Kal-El was raised alone in a space ship. He doesn't have a human family, or was raised by humans. Actually, he's literally just dropped out of the sky. jawdrop I wasn't expecting this!

Lastly, I'm surprised at how short each episode is, only 12-13 minutes. Just enough to get you hooked. It's a true soap opera. "Catch us again at this time tomorrow."

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.