I also downloaded the show (it's available for free download here.)

I've only listened to a few episodes but they are great fun. You can hear the 1930's in the show - for example, when Jor-El is making Kal-El's spaceship, he mentions, "Only a few last rivets to place." smile

When I say "you can hear the 1930's in the show", I mean that the unconscious assumptions of the writers are present, and things have changed now, so that stuff on the show sets off a little mental "oh yeah". Another example: in the first episode, where Jor-El is talking to the high council of Krypton about Krypton going to blow up, the chairman of the council has a gavel and gavels the chattering members into silence. Plus, all the council members are male, and Jor-El, in addressing them, says, "Gentlemen..." Nowadays it would be "Ladies and Gentlemen..."

Just little stuff like that.