Originally Posted by VirginiaR
Oh, I love the name Oliver. It was a finalist for my son. What a sweet child and family. I'm glad you've shown them after the discovery and at a point where they are comfortable with themselves. Wow, showing his powers by age 6?! I hope nobody else saw him float into the air. If so, the Kents will have to circulate a story about another invisible man, this time a flying one. Can't wait to see where you take this.
I'm glad you like the name I chose for their son. It was inspired by Smallville's Oliver Queen.

Yeah, I decided that rather than showing Lois and Clark worrying if their son would survive and trying to deal with his disability to begin the story after they had come to terms with everything.

Yep, Oliver seems to be floating and discovering powers at only six years of age.

Thanks for the comments and I hope you like the rest of this story.

"Who's asking? Clark... or Superman?"