
As he came into their sight, Jace actually giggled. “You did it. You really did it! Nigel didn’t think you would but you did! Wow! What did you do to her? How’d you whack her?”

For the record; never liked Jace. What a creep. razz

Lois groaned and tried to straighten out. Superman strode to her side and bent down to help her up, but she cried out as he put his hand on her elbow. “No! Don’t pull – I’m hit.”

She lifted her hand away from her abdomen. It was covered with blood.

Shot in the abdomen? That is not good. This is a very hard turn from canon. Something which has become a Leatherwood trademark.

Henderson had come to the waiting room and given the lead box to Clark, saying that it wasn’t evidence and looked like someone’s private property. He’d also avoided making eye contact with Clark as he did so. Instead of brooding over just how much Bill Henderson knew or suspected, Clark had taken the box out of the atmosphere and thrown it into a decaying cometary orbit. In a few days it would vaporize in the sun’s outer atmosphere with no sign that it had ever existed.

Although it is hard to imagine Nigel taking a swig while he's trying to get away, since this is an AU I can roll with that.

Henderson on the other hand is perfectly within canon, unless it is necessary he will never reveal to anyone who Superman really is. The man maybe laconic, but he knows how to keep a secret.

The prayer was beautiful. Amen.



A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.