Hi Fanfic Club Readers. smile I know this thread was from a few months ago, but hopefully you won't mind me chiming in to answer the question a couple of you asked about what other show's storyline inspired this one. smile

(And thanks for picking this story as your discussion for September and for the wonderful compliments. I happened to be poking around on the boards this evening, just clicking around and seeing what people were chatting about, so imagine my surprise and delight when I skimmed the last few months of book club threads and saw one of my stories listed! :))

To answer your question, the show that inspired "Into Each Life" was actually NYPD Blue, not Roswell (which I've never seen). Google tells me it was the 9th season, which aired in 2002, the year before I submitted this story. My memory is sketchy on the details after all this time, but in a nutshell (and a little help from Wiki): Two of the characters were in a relatively new relationship when the woman learned she was pregnant. The man offered his help, but she blew him off -- they hadn't been together that long, it didn't have to be his problem, etc. Painful, awkward conversations ensued (or didn't when they should have). Eventually she miscarried, solving the problem ... except he later learned she had visited an abortion clinic (for counseling, she insisted) and accused her of lying to him about the miscarriage. Cue ugly fighting ... and my head exploding all over my living room. I kept ranting, "This is horrible! Lois and Clark would never behave like this!!!" and thus this story was born. sloppy

So now you know! smile And thanks again for the great feedback. Though it's very hard to choose just one, I must admit that "Into Each Life" may be my favorite of all the shorter stories I wrote for L&C (with Momentum 1&2 my favorite longer ones) so yay! smile1


Last edited by KathyB; 12/05/14 10:34 PM.