Oh-My-Goodness! DC, they have grown up so much! They are just absolutely adorable smile. And I'll say it again--you find the best/cutest outfits!

So far, I believe, we have a 'Witch' and 'Spider-man' at our house, but we will see...Ava is normally scared of witches, so I'm not sure this idea will last--and Eli had been saying he was going to be a 'puppy' for a few months prior to yesterday's choice (and yes, I did try to throw a 'What about Superman?' idea at him--total 'no go' though wink ).

Giving them a few more days to firm up the choices...Should be a ton of fun--5 and 3 now.

Thanks for sharing, DC

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~