but some of that stuff just didn't ring true. I mean, come on—Clark having to duel Lord Nor to the death with Kryptonian weapons? How over the top is that?”
[Linked Image] Maybe if they showed her some moving pictures of how the 20th century people imaged the confrontation went?

“We are not changing the copy-room scene!” Mr. Byrne thundered, slamming his fist onto the table with a force that made it shake.
The one between Cat and her copy-repair-man?

It's only two actors and a camera away from being an Oscar! We are *not* *removing* *that* *scene*!”

“But instead of Zara and Superman,” Lois continued, “I want to give the scene to Lois and Clark.”

“Lois and *Clark*?” he echoed, one eye beginning to twitch. “You're being ridiculous! Clark Kent is just a minor character who Lois hitches her wagon to in the end. He doesn't need a passionate love scene!”
shock Lois!

“But what about Zara?” whined Byrne. “With all these changes, Julia has hardly any screen time left. You might as well just kill her off half-way through the movie!”
So, they have some important celebrity actress with big…talents…play the Kryptonian princess and now they no longer have a reason for her to kind of use her considerable talents for all to see on the big screen even though they still have to pay her like she was using her talents? Plus, much less incentive for the hormonal crowd to visit the movies now that they cut down on Julia’s talents?

“But we need these scenes to build up Zara and Superman's relationship!” Byrne lamented. “Without them, they might as well be just a couple of friends—strangers, even—who happen to be married!”
?jawdrop: No way!

this is a ground-breaking epic that will determine how your ancestors are remembered for generations to come!”

Jordan blinked. “I hadn't thought of it like that,” he answered.

Mr. Byrne grinned in triumph.

“Do everything she tells you,” Jordan said, then stood and left the room.
rotflol Also, did he just think of the idea of explaining the next Superman has the lovechild between a Superman and a human female?

Charlotte grinned. “Oh, I know. Thanks for getting rid of those bedroom scenes, by the way. I'm no prude, but I just wasn't looking forward to them.” She sighed. “Especially since Hans keeps bugging me about rehearsing them,” she muttered.
laugh Mr. Byrne had a *lot* of bedroom stuff going on. Did he also have an executive producer in charge of boobies, like they do on Game of Thrones?

Lois smothered a laugh. “Still,” she said, “Keith is playing Clark, and Hans isn't...yet,” she murmured, the gears in her head turning.
Down, Lois! Down!

it was being intimidating. By the time they left the office, five more scenes had been revamped.
So, everytime they bug her, another scene goes the way of the Dodo?

Keith thought for a moment, then turned goo-goo eyes onto Charlotte.
Like so…? drool
LOIS: Yes, that’s it, exactly!

Charlotte gasped. “Wow,” she breathed. “The last time a man looked at me like that, I got pregnant with twins!”

hero is torn between mistress and wife—yes, I think this can work!”
Shouldn’t that be ‘concubine’ instead of ‘mistress’? wink

wave Michael

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