The movie set part was absolutely hysterical. Wait until Jordan talks to Steven and the whole script will probably be re-written...

It took some time to convince Les that she wouldn't back down on the changes to the script. He and Mr. Byrne both cornered her in Perry's old office again, and this time, she didn't have Jordan nearby to look intimidating. Of course, if there was one thing Lois Lane could probably out-do Superman at, it was being intimidating. By the time they left the office, five more scenes had been revamped.

Lois must have just needed a good night's sleep because "She's Back!!".

“Where's the emotional drama?” Mr. Byrne went on. “Where's the sense of loss and sacrifice when Superman finally has to return to Earth?” At Lois' answering glare, he turned imploringly to Jordan. “Superman, I don't know what the deal is with this woman, but can't *you* see sense? This isn't just some B-movie shlock we're trying to make; this is a ground-breaking epic that will determine how your ancestors are remembered for generations to come!”

Jordan blinked. “I hadn't thought of it like that,” he answered.

Mr. Byrne grinned in triumph.

“Do everything she tells you,” Jordan said, then stood and left the room.

Mr. Byrne's face fell as the sonic boom shook the building.

Should have quit while he was behind...

Unfortunately for Keith he may be out of a role if Jordan and Stephen decide to come clean about the Superman Secret. Of course Hans might not be able to successfully pull of the Clark Kent role as it was and will be (in the movie) a much more nuanced role than that of Superman. However Lois might have other ideas...
“I think he can't do *acting*,” Charlotte replied. She looked around, hastily, then lowered her voice. “Look, Hans may be a jerk, but he's at least a good actor. Keith is only good at awkwardly walking around in the background, and he can't handle lines more emotionally powerful than 'Madam, we think your son may be a chimp'.”

Lois smothered a laugh. “Still,” she said, “Keith is playing Clark, and Hans isn't...yet,” she murmured, the gears in her head turning.

Charlotte looked at her quizzically.

I have loved the story so far but love this part the best of the four. I really can't wait to see what you come up with next.


Create all the happiness you are able to create.
Remove all the misery you are able to remove.

Jeremy Bentham