Hi Virginia,

Thanks for the FDK!

Originally Posted by VirginiaR
Yes, I have to agree with Annie. You added lots of great detail to Superman's time in space and how it effected him. Well done. I can see how this would scare Lois tremendously, knowing that it's her husband who is now missing.

Yes, it is evem more of a strain than in the original when it wasa just Superman that was missing.

Lois was firm in her conviction that Clark would return, she said, “Martha, why don’t you and Jonathan come to Metropolis. I’m sure that when Clark returns he’ll want you guys here.”

I'm thinking that Lois might be fudging a little on her reasons for wanting the Kents to come all the way out to Metropolis at this time. If Clark wanted to see them right away after he returned it would take him mere seconds to get to Kansas. I believe Lois must have requested their presence more for her mental well being (so she wouldn't have to be so alone in her worry about Clark) than for the reason she gave.

Yes, she did have an ulterior motive. She needed the moral support. It has onle been a few months at this point, but Lois has gotten extremely close to Clark's parents, much closer than to her own, for obvious reasons.

They returned to the Oval Office and the President came back on, “As more data is collected and we know better where the impact will occur further announcements will be made by EPRAD’s scientists. That is all we have for now. I would urge calm. The impact may occur on the other side of the globe from us, so please, do not panic.

While the president's words were supposed to be reassuring during this time of crises to the people of America, I doubt it would be wise to phrase it quite that way. It sounded as if he wouldn't care for any destruction the asteroid would cause should it hit on the other side of the world. One shouldn't call oneself a world leader (as presidents often refer to themselves) if one isn't willing to care about the world outside of our borders. Politicians knowing that anything they say at this point will be remembered, would probably emphasize the PCness of their speech more than the exclusionary-ness of it. "While it would be tragic for all of us on Earth wherever this smaller chunk of Nightfall might strike our planet, I urge my fellow Americans not to panic as it might not impact them directly." etc. etc. Or did you take his speech from the script? I know that the President's role in ASU was cut from the final version of the script.

This would have been a nationwide hook up, but not international.

Also, if I were living in a coastal city, I'd be more likely to move inland should a huge asteroid be heading towards Earth. Even if it were to strike on the other side of the world, it could still cause worldwide tsunamis, which could destroy our coasts.

Yes, that would have been a good move, but the major arteries from the coast would have all been choked with refugees.

hyper Yea! At least Clark made it back safely, if somewhat nudely.

Yes, but Lois doesn't know it.

Herb replied, “My boy, I never say … impossible.” "Lois and Clarks"

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