Well.....why not a few more? smile : wildguy wildguy wildguy

Wow wow wow!!! Yeah, I agree--what a cliffhanger we had here!

Poor flashback Clark, to start out with. When you wrote about how his arms were shaking and he had a headache, I immediately thought that Lex had brought kryptonite...and then the blood. Then I knew for sure. And you left us hanging there--eek! Is the kryptonite in Lex's car? A small piece in his pocket? Where did Lex get it? So...Lana told Lex about Clark then? Yeah, my mind is just spinning here, wanting to figure out where the story goes in this section.

And then.....bomb! Clark-Eating-Bomb!!!!!! shock jawdrop Talk about Lois getting clued in--and quickly--to the secret. I mean, it's one thing to know of Superman and Clark, and find out they are one. But this way....yes! This way is so interesting notworthy . I like your idea here. It will be so intriguing to see how she handles everything, and also, to see how Superman comes into existence.

I love that Clark is not as alone with his secrets now...Lois and Perry know of his suspicions of Lex--and they can all work to uncover the truth. And whether he likes it or not, now someone, besides Lana years before, knows of Clark's abilities. I'm hoping a better reaction from Lois will build Clark up--rather than tear him further down. He's been through so much...

Go, Bakasi, go--write, Bakasi, write!!! help hyper sloppy grovel Please--dying to read Lois' take on the story smile...


Last edited by LMA; 09/19/14 04:10 PM.

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~