Getting oh-so-good, Bakasi! dance notworthy

I, too, am really loving how you are weaving the flashbacks and story together. Everything seems to be connecting more and more--and it all is such a pleasure to read smile.

Interesting flashback. I'm wondering when Clark will go ahead and tell Lana about himself? You can really feel all the hesitation he has over the matter in your writing. And Lana interned at Luthor Corp! Wow--that's big news...hmmm.

I'm glad Clark is starting to tell Lois more about his true thoughts on Luthor--whether she believes what he is saying/thinking, or not. He needs to be able to confide in her. You've very well captured how alone and how desperate he is to figure all of this out. It's such a different take on 'Clark'--one that I'm enjoying to read about...

Great job!

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~