peep Can you guess who's vacay's over?
“But, don’t you think we should book the venue first, Lois?”
Do you have to make a reservation at the Vegas Chapel of Lust?

“Clark, we need the invitations designed so that all we need to do is insert the venue name.
How about a DP frontpage instead? That way, only family members who value Lois’s work will show up. Plus, all her friends from work.

The invitations need to be ready to go immediately then.”
Wow, her inner double-X-chromosomes make an appearance peep

“Okay.” Clark just decided to be in full agreement with his fiancée.
I just realized — okay, I read the title for #19 — they’re quite hasty in their setting a date. Does that mean that their colleagues will think shotgun wedding?

Lois was sitting cross–legged in the centre of the floor. Papers and magazines were scattered all around her. It was like she was swimming in a sea of white weddings.
shock She’s gone full XX! Also, does that mean the answer to last part’s cliffhanger was ‘yes’?

“Okay, where is it,” she began mumbling to herself. Picking up magazines and chucking them over her shoulder she continued the muttering. “I know I saw it on the front of one of these.”
The black teddy she was wearing in Soul Mates?

“It’s around here somewhere.” She twirled around and stretched, throwing more papers around.
Awww, our little tornado clap

“Lois,” he shouted a little louder.

“I KNOW I saw it.”

“Lois,” he reached forward and grabbed her arm.
May I suggest K-I-S-S-I-N-G?

“Um. I wondered whether we should go for a blue theme with the flowers. You know, rather than traditional red ... or pink ... blue, it has ... um, significance.”
Because of…umm…blue…umm…you know, given how Clark has been waiting and waiting and waiting? [Linked Image]

“Lucy, please calm down,” asked Lois.
I’m assuming Lucy is trying to figure out if this is code for ‘my partner finally snapped and took me to an island to make me his love slave’ or code for ‘I’ve been Lonapped and please find Clark to find Superman to get me’.

“Okay, okay.” Lois heard the deep breathing on the other end. “Is this a ‘Pact’ thing, because you don’t have to go through with it just because you did a pinky swear with him ten years ago.
shock Lucy…*knows*?

“Lucy,” Lois interjected. She finally understood what Clark went through every time he tried to interrupt her ramblings.
Yes, but now Clark can kiss her to achieve that effect.

“Lucy, we love each other. Truly. It’s not because of The Pact. Well, it is, and it isn't. Without The Pact I’m guessing we may never have got to this stage, may never have been forced to admit. Or maybe we would.
Maybe they would have done so earlier?

I’ve been slowly falling in love with him all these years, and he’s been doing the same, and neither of us knew.
CLARK: Umm…Lois? What do you mean I didn’t know that I don’t love you?

“Oh, you don’t know Cindy that well. She can be a right ...”
…Lois Lane?

The size of the church was big enough that the ceremony could never be referred to as intimate but small enough that it didn’t compete with a Royal Wedding.
So, appropriate for the consecration of the primary concubine to the First Lord of Krypton, yet it won’t upstate his wedding to Zara?

“Yes please.” Clark shifted his feet and then grinned. “We were hoping to book the church. You see we’re getting ... we want to ... I asked her to marry me.”
Priest looks at both of them. “And she said ‘yes’?”

“But, the thing is ... we want it soon. Seven weeks.”
That’s not soon. Seven days would be soon. Seven hours might get them to Vegas. Seven minutes might get them to Vegas, Superman-style.

“But, the thing is ... we want it soon. Seven weeks.”
PRIEST: So…shotgun wedding?
Six months later…
DOC: Yes, their baby is quite healthy, even though it was born three months early.

“Clark, we ...” she sighed and melted into his arms. “We have to stop.”
She’s calling it off! shock

“I know,” he moaned into her hair, tightening his grip round her waist. “We’re in the minister’s office ... in church.”
PRIEST: So, sooner than seven weeks, I take it?

“He’ll be back any moment, he only went to ... to ...” He took her mouth again. Just when he thought he was about to irrevocably lose control Clark heard a scream.
Priest fell from the rafters?

“I have to go. I trust you to make all the arrangements with the minister. See you later.” A quick peck on the nose later and he was gone.
Welcome to married life!

“Oh, he uh ... had to ... remembered an appointment,” Lois stumbled, “with a source.” She noticed the frown on the minister’s face and knew exactly what thoughts were passing through his mind.
/makes coke-bottle gesture/

But I can never tell you that, so I’ll plaster a fake smile on my face and act completely oblivious to your thoughts and just make all the wedding arrangements.

Clark stood in the changing room grimacing at himself in the mirror. It wasn’t that the suit didn’t fit, or that it didn’t look good, but he couldn’t see himself walking down the aisle in a white tux.
So…he’d prefer something a little more primary color?
[Linked Image]

but he couldn’t see himself walking down the aisle in a white tux. It didn’t give the correct impression,
That he only has the purest of thoughts for his bride?

After a quiet minute, during which time Clark slipped out of the white tux and into the black morning suit, struggling quite a bit with the cravat, Jimmy spoke again. “So, how’s that one?”

“I like it. Not sure about the waistcoat.”
What about something a bit more traditional?
[Linked Image]

“Oh, Mrs Kent, this is heaven,” moaned Lois. She snuggled into the comfy farm couch holding a hot chocolate in her palms.
Full-day spa for the freaking bride?

What are we going to do without a cake?
Serve DFCBs?

Lois dropped back into place on the couch. “What? A lion tamer?”
So, that’s how he learned to tame mad dogs?

“Red skirt and cape ... again.”

seconds later, in a pair of soft blue jeans and a red and blue checked shirt.

Lois suspected that Martha was going to offer to make her wedding dress but she just couldn’t accept.
Just what I expected. Will it be pink and teal with a shoulder-mounted veil?

“Take a cookie if you want one, Lois,” came Martha’s voice and Lois looked up with wide eyes. How the heck does she know, she’s not even looking in this direction?
Because they contain chocolate?

“Lois, I have something I’d like to show you. Will you come upstairs with me?”

Lois nodded mutely. Don’t tell me she already has the material.
Or is it her old dress? Did they maybe keep Lois’s old concubine getup from the NK invasion?

Her breath caught in her throat and all brain activity ceased.
Oh dear.

“It was my wedding dress,” Martha spoke quietly.

So. You never got to see Lois' reply. smile Think it's pretty obvious what it was though.
Hmm… ‘no’?

You and Michael need to create a 'Make The Wedding Pact an n-fic story' club.
[Linked Image]

wave Michael

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I go by Michael on the Archives.