Wow, thank you for the great comments!

I don’t think Tempus needs any journals from Lois or Clark, since he’s from the future where everyone knows everything about them. (Possibly from those same journals!) After all, Lois is a breakfast cereal. Maybe he grew up staring at the back of the box every morning.

Kara’s kidnapping was news in Metropolis, since Lois and Clark are known in the media community there. If the child of a famous New York Times reporter was kidnapped, you’d probably hear about it (at least in the New York Times). I don’t know how much news Kara’s kidnapping was outside Metropolis. Probably not front page.

Yes, there are differences in central Delaware’s topography between Emily’s world and Lois’s and Clark’s. The same with southern New Jersey (where Gotham City is). Clark notices them back in Chapter 40.

There was never a Krypton in Emily’s world. Since the subspace was chaotic, no one had ever used subspace technology in that reality, so no humans were transplanted to an alien world there. I don’t know if the same planet existed, and remained uninhabited until it blew up. My bet would be no.

Since humans were transplanted to Krypton by an advanced race for some inscrutable reason, I wonder if Krypton itself was engineered. Possibly even engineered to explode after a time, to put a time limit on the aliens’ “experiment.”

I don’t think Jordy knows Kara is adopted. She arrived when he was three years old, too young to understand how babies normally arrive. By the time he was old enough to understand he’d probably forgotten. Now that Kara knows, the Kents probably need to have a family meeting and discuss it.

The time machine has a key, which I’m sure Clark keeps very safe. Jordy and Kara are also responsible enough not to get into that kind of trouble. Laura, on the other hand, I can see getting into trouble… in a purely innocent way. She’s like that. (Remember flushing her sneakers down the toilet?)

Thank you so much for reading!