Interesting factoid about Clark's journals. Is Lois writing a set too? Let's hope Tempus doesn't find them and publish them.

So, Kara's kidnapping was national news? I guess since her folks are in the media industry it would be more likely to be covered than Joe Schmoe, plumber's daughter.

The two dimensions are much different for other reasons as well. Geographically different. Does that mean that Metropolis was formed (or not formed) because of where the river was? Did Krypton not explode in the Jordan's dimension? Too bad that it's unlikely that she'll find alt-versions of her friends living nearby. frown

The boat's still out if Kara will get her powers back gradually or all at once, or if at all. It's a hard adjustment to get them, but then have them taken away once she got used to them. I'm sure having them and learning about the family secret, though, has changed her outlook on life.

“I’ll help you and your brother practice your powers and get ready. I just can’t promise yet when we’ll let you help.” He hesitated. “By the way, have any of your powers come back?”

Kara looked down. “I don’t think so,” she said, crestfallen.

“You might be invulnerable, like you were before this all started. We could check; it wouldn’t hurt at all.”

Kara looked up at her father and shook her head. “I think I just want to wait.”
I wouldn't really want to trust the man who can't feel pain either. Even pricking her with a pin would hurt, even for a second. But I guess he could x-ray her with his vision do-hicky thing.

Did the family ever let Jordy know that Kara isn't his biological sister? Also, if Kara is 11 and Jordy is 14, how was he 1 when she arrived in Kansas? Or did I mess up my numbers somewhere?

EDIT: Also, I'm glad that Clark flew into the future and checked out that her friends remained safe. I wonder what he saw. Will he tell Lois? What did they do with the time machine now that Tempus has been taken care of? Don't they know it isn't safe to have one of those around the house with two (almost) teenagers in the house?

Last edited by VirginiaR; 08/31/14 06:55 PM. Reason: Added more stuff

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.