This ending makes more sense the 3/3 ending with Jor-El did, as I felt we were left hanging. I'm glad you brought the story full circle to the main characters to explain what happened with everyone, especially Clark.

I love that Clark is as difficult and stubborn as a patient as Lois is. If they ever have children they are going to be twice as stubborn as their parents each are. I'm glad he's going through the charade of wearing the sling; it will help his dual persona.

Yea for Jimmy's career boost. He's not going to be anyone's lackey / researcher any longer with headlines like these. Good for him.

This does raise a couple of questions, though. Jimmy's dad as an NIA agent came out in S3, but I thought this story was set more S1-S2ish. I take it that the events from DWCiftC happened earlier. Or did I have a memory lapse and forgot this story takes place several years after Lois and Clark get married as opposed to months? Perry, Jimmy, Lois and Clark knowing that Jack Olsen is NIA makes sense since they were involved with the initial story, but why was Pete Ross, MD let into Jack's secret identity? Was Jack also let into Clark's? Does the NIA know Clark's secret too?

Still looking forward to the reunion between Jor-El and Clark.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.