I think I agree with Virginia, you have setup so many possibilities. On one hand I can't wait to see which one(s) you use. On the other hand I love the slow pace the story is evolving it fits well with the pace of life in the early 1900's.

This story remains one of the postings I read as soon as I can once I get the e-mail. Each chapter moves the story forward elegantly. There is just enough tension to keep things interesting and plenty of understated romance that I expect (hope) will get more demonstrative as we progress towards to story climax(maybe a bad choice of words). Personally I am getting better at following stories in the serial form as for years I would wait until a story was totally posted before I began reading it.

I for one look forward to each post.


Create all the happiness you are able to create.
Remove all the misery you are able to remove.

Jeremy Bentham