Anxiously awaiting each new part. Plenty of tension without overdoing it with the big blue boy scout. I love the way Lois is analyzing everything logically right up until she sees that smile...

It will be interesting to see who the older gentleman is. In one way I am almost hoping it will not be Wells as I would like to see them figure the way out themselves. On the other hand Wells input might be necessary to make them both truly believe what is happening and will happen next and to be properly prepared for it.

Shane likes to do things a bit differently so I hope he doesn't put Lois back in the exact spot she came from and does not remember this adventure but then meets Clark in Perry's office the next day/week/etc to start the meeting/courting thing all over again. That has been done and done and done and the last few super short stories Shane has posted indicates he does think a bit out of the box(Simple Sugars comes to mind).


Create all the happiness you are able to create.
Remove all the misery you are able to remove.

Jeremy Bentham