Ooooh! Another Queenie clap
there was no telling what nasty little surprises might be left by the odd twists and turns taken by a universe's given history.
Giant, flesheating flies?

Luckily, that world's Superman and recently-returned Lois Lane were able to set it on course for a brighter future.
ALT-World: wave

Of course, this was Smallville, so the chances of stumbling into a landmine or a fifty-foot monster or a homicidal maniac here were...actually, not as low as he should like, now that he thought about it,

“No, Sir,” the man replied. “You must be looking for my neighbor; he lives just down the road.”
Huh. Got raised by the Irigs?

The man grinned and shrugged. “Oh, I am just a humble farmer,” he began, tugging the straps of his overalls as if they were proof.
Not a reporter? Oh boy. Lois is not going to like that one bit. Then again, when the feds show up with an EPA warrant, Lois might get to meet the pig farmer.

“Really?!” the man exclaimed, carefully looking over the vehicle. He seemed genuinely impressed, with no trace of the confusion or disbelief Herb might have expected to see on his features.
Oh no! This Clark has had to contend with lack of oxygen when he traveled during his formative years help

“It uses a kind of perpetual motion to build up the necessary energy, correct? But how do you compensate for the paradoxes surrounding the---er....I mean...Well boy howdy! What will folks think up next?”
jawdrop rotflol That’s not a Eureka crossover, is it?

and the little girl they just adopted.”
/scratches head/ That would normally be a Lois. But Clark’s too old, so… huh

The man sucked in a breath through his teeth. He glanced around again, then lowered his voice. “My expertise is in engineering and astrophysics, not biology,” he said.
And he tried and tried with Lana to figure it out?
LANA (to the audience): Female birth control, just what the doctor prescribed.

The man smiled and waved as he departed. “I'll be sure to tell Lara you're coming,” he called out. “She makes a mean pot-roast!”
eek He’s…he’s…and the little girl…she’s…she’s… I wonder what Herb will say when he meets little Kalvin El in the playpen.

Another fun setup, Mary!

hyper Michael

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I go by Michael on the Archives.