Interesting reading the interactions between Lana and Clark. It really explains a lot about their it sounds like they were sorta off and on through high school and into college, not maybe as concrete of a couple as I was picturing. And I agree, definitely some teasing/etc going on...Lana not sure why Clark is holding back, Clark having every reason in the world to think about holding back.

I really enjoyed Clark's thought process about becoming intimate with he wants to share all of himself, how he wants that to be with one person. How he knows he's young and Lana maybe isn't the one. Good for him.

I love all the similarities to the pilot--how you are weaving in scenes we know and love--but how you are subtly changing them (and creating great change in the process to the storyline).

Really, really great smile

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~