Originally Posted by Morgana
Woooh! Seriously impressed! shock

Apparently Lois was seen by a number of people as she flickered on and out of reality. Time travel is always depicted as tricky, for both the traveler and the people he affects. You did a great job on both accounts.

Morgana, I also was impressed with the way Shane depicted the time travel. In Herb's Time Machine everything goes blurry and they end up wherever/whenever they were trying to go. With the portal the Shane has conjured up, the passage is more gradual with the passenger seeing glimpses of time slices (maybe even briefly touching down in them) as she passes through them.

I am unsure what the final few sentences were referring to: more of the portal action?, Lois's body reacting to the time portal travel?, an earthquake? Then everything goes black? As Shane said in the opening post of this FDK, the next part is when the first meetings will occur. Maybe things will be clearer after those meetings (but I somehow doubt it...)


Create all the happiness you are able to create.
Remove all the misery you are able to remove.

Jeremy Bentham