Hi Morgana,
Thanks for the FDK!

As I mentioned in my response to Virginia, Smallville was only the first stop. After an evening and the next day with the Kents, it’s off to the island.

As for Henderson: He might be happy seeing Luthor brought low, but he can see nothing but trouble as a result. His threats of law suit not withstanding it is just a pain housing someone like that. He can’t be put in general population. He has to be in segregated holding for his own safety.

I had an ulterior motive for this also. At the end of House of Luthor, just before he took the dive off the balcony, Luthor said something to the effect, “Lex Luthor will not live in a cage!” That came right out of left field. With this incident I have given Luthor a taste of that life and now that statement has a foundation in past experience.

Yes, HiM is next. The more I get into this arc the more I see it going through at least the entire first season.

Herb replied, “My boy, I never say … impossible.” "Lois and Clarks"

My stories can be found here
