Originally Posted by Framework4
Well done.

I still expect Lois and Clark to show up when Kara is 30 or so.

I no longer expect her to be a well adjusted Supergirl by that time. It seems that they will need to back tract down the time line and find the best point to extract Kara.

I am looking forward to the Government attempts to control Kara becoming very nasty and damaging.

As I have said before , in part 15 the author set up the structure for time jumps.
“The time machine is still a time machine, right? If we arrive there long after Kara, why can’t we just go back and get her right after she and Tempus arrive?”

Wells frowned. “That is a possibility. However, doing so will change the course of events in that reality, and the longer after them you arrive, the more it will change. You will undo every effect of her being there, and she will lose all memory of anything that has happened after you remove her. You should take care to understand the impact before making such a decision.”

So clearly when L&C arrive and find their daughter after many years, they can decide the emotional scars and the elapsed time make it better to go back to an earlier time and rescue her.

I put a similar scenario forth around chapter 5-6 time frame. The difference was in my scenario Kara was well adjusted (we had not gotten into the government side of the story). Even if she had emotional scars from the treatment of her youth, what if she was 30 and married with children? How would L&C handle that kind of a situation? How could they jump back in time, grab Kara, and in the process destroy their grandchildren who would have never been born? The possibilities are endless when you begin working with time/dimension jumps and nothing is impossible (to paraphrase Herb).

At this point in the story Debbie would have to do some time jumping herself in the story to cover that much ground time wise, handle the L&C vs Tempus trap, find Kara, and handle the resolution in 21 chapters as the first 32 chapters have only covered a few months to time. I have seen more bizarre jumps in time and space in other fan fiction but Debbie seems to be more documentary in her story telling approach.

While neither scenario is very likely given the way the story is laying out it makes for interesting possibilities...


Create all the happiness you are able to create.
Remove all the misery you are able to remove.

Jeremy Bentham